Times are changing and we are
busier than ever. When you Talk To Bruno, not only you can book the services you need but you can also see what local pros are charging upfront. No estimators, no surprises or hidden fees.
No, we don't place any charges or holds on your card until the job is completed. All payments are processed electronically trough Stripe, which is a certified PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most strong level of certification available in the payment processing industry.
The prices for a home improvement project are based on the kind of service and the property location. This can range from electrical, flooring, plumbing, HVAC, garage doors, painting and pool services to general handyman services. Once you select the service you need, enter the zip code or the area where you live in. Talk to Bruno will then enlist a selection of experts and the price list in the related field. Usually, a home improvement service provider charges you on an hourly or a flat rate basis that may be anything between $65 to $1,200 or $390 on average for mid size projects.
Sep 12, 2022
Lloyd left my car showroom ready. I dint think my car could ever look like this. Lloyd is hard working and makes sure you are happy with his service before leaving.